How to do a Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Transcript from YouTube:

hello everyone my name is jason dunn i’m going to be taking you through the kettlebell goblet squat so we’re going to start with the feet i want to make sure that we maintain a good stable base through what’s called our foot tripod so big toe a little toe in our heel grabbing the floor around hip width apart make sure that we’re your ears from hip width to shoulder width apart you can have the toes ideally facing straight forward second toe forwards we can go anywhere around 15 degrees if necessary for mobility we grab the floor something about like you can have a towel off the floor with your foot you want to engage the foot muscles you want to have our knees traveling away from the body never in hips and knees are being bending off at the same time thinking like you’re in an elevator shaft and you’re going up and down you want to maintain our chest up we never want to sink down maintaining a neutral spine breathe into our core brace the abdominal muscles and we’ll go through the squat holding the kettlebell by the horns have the thumb to your collarbone nice and close to the body breathe into the core brace your abdominals and down as far as you can go come back up we’re gonna shoot for four seconds on the way down

and that is how you do the kettlebell goblet squat common things you’re gonna see is if you’re squatting your hip flexors really tight then your chest comes down like this you might have to stretch at your hip flexors if that’s the case or do a modified box squat where you sit onto a box allowing your body to get comfortable with sitting back with the hips as well as if your knees are starting to shift inwards really focus on engaging your glutes and forcing the knees out so knees not coming in that’s how you do the kettlebell goblet squat thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please hit the like subscribe button below and i will see you guys next time you