How to do Band Pull Aparts

Transcript from Youtube: hello everyone in this video i’m going to be going over how to do the band pull apart so the band pull part is one of my favorite exercises so you’re working the rhomboids rear delts rotator cuff muscles which are oftentimes weaker compared to our front pressing muscles like the chest the anterior deltoid so if you allow benching this is gonna be a really great exercise to help alleviate and offset some of the damage you might be doing to your shoulders so what i commonly see for man pull apart hands up like this pulling straight to the chest now there’s not a whole lot wrong with doing it that way but there’s a much better way to do the band pull apart so when we’re benching we have our hands in internal rotation the shoulder joint like this similar to how i just demonstrated that band pull apart what we’re going to do instead is rotate our palms upwards which is shoulder external rotation we’re going to go through the same thing there so bring them brace pull squeeze the shoulder blades together

just like that

now it’s going to work around boyd’s rear delt a little bit more effectively than having your pumps facing down wood but if we want to make this a little bit more effective we can even bring the bands up high and pull them to the lower chest so you might see people doing this way if you go to a power lifting gym it’s a very common way to warm up for a bench press and it’s a much more effective way than having your pants hands face or palms facing downwards and just doing it that way so start above the head bring it to the lower chest just like that that’s going to work those muscles much more effectively than doing it the other way is going to work them so vampire part is a great exercise for strengthening up the rhomboids if you got a bit of that upper cross syndrome where we see the shoulders roll forwards posture downwards like this this is going to strengthen up these muscles here which pull them back give that nice upright posture does really great things for the shoulder joint if you do a lot of bench press workouts you’re going to want to start doing a lot of these as well to help offset some of the damage that a lot of pressing causes where it causes the tightness in the front of the shoulder the band pull apart it’s gonna be fantastic for alleviating that i’m just using a very light band here you don’t really need a lot as it is more of an endurance style exercise so 12 15 reps i do 15 20 anyways in that range three or so sets very similar to doing phase puzzle for your workout it’s going to just warm up the shoulder joints get them locked back into a nice position that you want so that is how you do the band pull apart thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please hit the like and subscribe button below and i’ll see you guys next time